Along for the ride:

Monday, May 24, 2010

King for a Day!

To steal a quote from B.P. "Clean-up's a Bitch!" Thank goodness we recently renewed our supply of glasses; three dozen guests stretched our glassware and cutlery supplies to the limit. By the end of the afternoon the latecomers were resorting to drinking red wine from champagne glasses. It is surprising how disconcerting that looked.
The weather was unexpectedly kind to us with sunshine, instead of the forecast blustery rain. I had prepared a stack of sun hats and sweaters so that guests could adapt to be comfortable whatever the climate.
The upper shelf of the barbecue failed early on, under the weight of the sixteen pound piece of beef we were grilling, but I caught it as it was sliding down and moved it to the next shelf with only a small burn-blister on one finger. Phew!
New recipe for aubergine/egg plant and tomatoes seasoned with fresh ginger and served topped with chilled yogurt and cilantro was very yummy and satisfied some vegetarian friends, as did the gratin of potatoes. We had green salad and beetroot salad for the eyes as well as the palate and a cheese course followed by the inevitable cakes.
Hubby was truly "King for a Day", surrounded by family and friends. He beamed from start to finish and woke up still smiling this morning.


  1. Saw a cartoon recently about "post party depression"... piles of dishes and glasses...

    So, happy birthday wishes to the still smiling one. 16 pounds ? That's quite a steak ! What was that old song about "Sixteen Tons"?

    The aubergine sounds good too... and the cake looks positively tasty...

  2. Owen, strange hours you keep. Late or early, that's the question?

  3. Job well done, I'd say. Many happy returns to 'the king'!

  4. Hope you received our greetings and glad to see how "in the pink" the King was looking! You always have been the most thoughtful and efficient hostess, especially where your loved ones were concerned.

  5. Am beaming on his behalf - sounds like he had a great day and then some!

  6. Sounds like a perfect day for a king.

  7. When it's your turn for a quarter century, ER, we'll all descend en masse complete with our own glasses and Hibachis. You obviously throw a great party, and will surely, by that time, deserve a whiz-bang one of your own.

  8. The party sounds like another success at your house. You are a great hostess. The egg plant sounds delicious, maybe I will try it.

  9. Your parties sound delicious!

    So happy hubby enjoyed himself. Pleasing the guest of honor is a prime directive.

  10. Sounds like quite a party. Sorry about the burn. Those things hurt.

  11. you haveta love a good partay! best wishes :-)

  12. Thanks one and all for the wishes and comments. It has taken until now to rise above the aftermath and recoup. I promise I will do better answering individual comments next time. I enjoy each one.

  13. Dang. I just read my comment again (normal behaviour for a blogger, right??) and realized what I actually said.

    So, when you're coming up to 25 you just let me know and I'll be there pronto.
