Along for the ride:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Graduate of Finishing School

Boomer embarked on his future last evening, jumping into his new Dad's car without a backward glance. We had previously had an introductory visit so that John and his wife Janet could walk Boomer and feed him treats and fall in love with my big sensitive foster-collie.
They're getting a hell of a nice dog and he should be set for life.
Boomer's new home is in Half Moon Bay, right on the coast. He will like the cooler climate and enjoy his new people. They are collie-lovers of long standing; still missing their last dog who passed away six months ago. Boomer's new parents will take him jogging on the natural trails and take him with them to the cafe overlooking the ocean where he can attract admiring glances, as is his due. They are so impressed by his current level of manners and obedience that there is talk of dog-rally obedience competitions, just for fun.
I look forward to visiting Boomer one day, once he is well established with his new family. For now, I am proud and happy and a little heart-sore.


  1. Oh, that's sad. As an ex foster child, I know why he looks a little pensive.

  2. Wow, he looks so beautiful. Good luck to him it sounds like he's going to a great life! Well done for all your efforts to get him that future.

  3. I guess you can truly say "Well, I'll be doggone!"

  4. Pour yourself a stiff drink, ER, and congratulate yourself on a job well done. I will nominate you for something appropriate as soon as a vacancy comes available.

  5. What a beauty!! You should be proud of the job you have done with him. I can only imagine how much giving him away can hurt, even though you know it was the best thing for him. (((*hugs*)))

    But to find a team of collie lovers to take him on!! How lucky can one dog be??

  6. Fran, I hope your foster parents were good to you.

    Di, there is a whole organization at work here, not just me.

    Silliyak, fun pun, stop by more often.

    Deborah, nominate me if you must, just don't volunteer me for anything else for a while:)

    Jean, Boomer went from Hooligan to Prince Charming, shades of Pygmalian. I did feel sad and weepy today, especially when a lizard scuttled by with no one to pounce after him. We'll see if Russell Crowe as Robin Hood can distract me this evening.

  7. My ex-foster dog not only survived the trek from Palo Alto to Burlingame, she also decided that she had been landed with a family that clearly needed her to take care of them.
    And she has done so for over a decade now.

    I think foster owners are wonderful.

  8. I just absolutely love you so much for all you did for Boomer. This photo of him is fabulous; what a beautiful boy. I don't think you could have found him a better home ...good going! I feel really sad for you, and will look forward to that follow-up visit sometime in the future. You've been Boomer's guardian angel, and thus will ever be.

  9. He looks a lovely dog - so happy he is landing on his feet (after landing on his feet first time round with you). Your heart is a big and wonderful thing.

  10. That is a beautiful collie. Great regal pose in this picture. So happy you found the right home for him. Sounds like this is a natural match.

  11. Handsome fellow. Well-mannered. Headed for a new life. Sounds oddly familiar...

    Ginger liquor anyone?

  12. Good luck in your new home Boomer, wow what a looker.

  13. Merry, there are lots of good people in the world. Just "doing what we can, where we are, with what we have" (to steal and paraphrase a quote).

    Lydia, I knew you would be pleased to hear our news. Thanks for your support through this.

    Steve, heart on my sleeve, gets bumped around sometimes.

    TechnoBabe, I loved this photo, he is so poised and focused on my next request. His tummy is not quite touching the ground, always ready to be off somewhere. The first reports are good.

    Ms. Pliers, It's been too long. You and your transition-partner are thought of often.

    Trudi, Yeah, unfair how handsome he is, Hiding such a naughty spirit inside. I've always been attracted to the bad boys. I've had better results training the canine and equine versions, rather than the humans.

  14. Just a "little heartsore" ? Is that classic British understatement at work ?

    What a huggable big bundle of fur ! I'll be curious to see how long you can last before that first visit happens.

    Was wondering though what hubby had to say about the departure... if it was anything akin to "good riddance", I hope he held his tongue, or if not, I hope he has a frying pan embedded in his cranium. (just kidding !)

  15. Owen, Hubby came out onto the sidewalk to see the departure and say "Goodbye". (Bravo for recognizing the English Arts).

  16. Sounds like a job well done!! Hope Boomer loves his new home, and your heart feels better soon.

  17. Joanna, the updates from Boomer's new folks are good. It sounds like they are spoiling him, which is fine with him. I feel better already, although I now have some gaps in my day, which feels very strange. I must sign up for some horsey stuff quickly or I'll end up filling them with other things.

  18. What a Dog! Boomer sent us roses yesterday.

  19. Aw, I could never foster - I just would never be able to let go. He is a very handsome fellow.

  20. Sounds like he has finally found his forever people. I've been waiting for him to Boom-er-rang again.

  21. Argent, You'd let go if you knew it was best for him, which it is. A good result is worth a few tears.

    @eloh, I was trying not to jinx it by speaking too soon. The flowers reassured me some more.

  22. bless him.. fingers crossed this home works out, he's such a beaut!
